Nostalgia is an important theme to my work, and I am pleased to unveil a new series of images, drawing upon the memories associated with my childhood toys. These action figures were integral to my formative years, and I proudly have them on display all these years later. 

They are not only a collection, but they are a direct link to my childhood. My history in figure form.

Childhood Revisited explores the toys I had as a youth.

Hello everyone!

I realize it has been a painfully long time since I have updated my site. I have been busier than ever creating art and new custom toys, although I admit to be terrible lately in regards to posting the results.

That said, I am happy to unveil six new paintings to my Childhood Revisited series. Click HERE to explore these new works.

For those that are interested, Museum-quality archival prints are available for purchase at the Iron-Cow Prod. Etsy Store or on eBay.

My sincere thanks to you all for your continued support. As always, I would be grateful for any feedback you might have. Thank you!

Matt Cauley
October 25, 2020

Don’t forget to follow the Artwork of Matt Cauley so that you receive the latest news and events, as well as behind-the-scenes painting progress. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Saatchi, LinkedIn, Behance, or Twitter.

Childhood Revisited - 7 new Star Wars-themed paintings added!

Nostalgia is an important theme to my work, and I am pleased to unveil a new series of images, drawing upon the memories associated with my childhood toys. These action figures were integral to my formative years, and I proudly have them on display all these years later. 

They are not only a collection, but they are a direct link to my childhood. My history in figure form.

Childhood Revisited explores the toys I had as a youth.

I am pleased to unveil seven new paintings to this ongoing series. Click HERE to explore the new works and reconnect with some old friends.

For those that are interested, Museum-quality archival prints are available for purchase at the Iron-Cow Prod. Etsy Store.

In addition, I am proud to announce I have partnered with PROJECT WISH UPON A STAR for their FANNIVERSARY! event, happening TODAY! I am premiering my Childhood Revisited paintings all throughout the West Coast. A portion of the proceeds of each sale go to, a 501c3 Children’s Charity offering patient programs such as STEM, ART and other positive reinforcement projects they perform as part of their ongoing efforts to help child patients in need.

To learn more about the FANNIVERSARY! event, please visit Project Wish Upon a Star.

My heartfelt thanks to you all for your continued support. As always, I would be grateful for any feedback you might have. Thank you!

Matt Cauley
May 25, 2018

Don’t forget to follow the Artwork of Matt Cauley so that you receive the latest news and events, as well as behind-the-scenes painting progress. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Saatchi, LinkedIn, Behance, or Twitter.


Festival Dates: Wednesday, May 16th – Sunday, May 20th, 2018

Open Studios Dates/Times: Saturday, May 19th – Sunday, May 20th, 2018 @ 12 – 6pm

An exciting celebration of the thriving arts community in Long Island City, Queens. NYC’s fastest growing creative community is celebrating its artistic diversity with a weeklong festival. The festival is open to the public and features myriad cultural activities and events, many of them FREE!

My many thanks to the LIC Artists for showcasing my painting Mia in the promotional materials for this event.

As always, I would be grateful for any feedback you might have. Thank you!

Matt Cauley
May 16, 2018

Don’t forget to follow the Artwork of Matt Cauley so that you receive the latest news and events, as well as behind-the-scenes painting progress. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Saatchi, LinkedIn, Behance, or Twitter.


Hello everyone!

It’s been ages since I’ve posted any new customs here on the site. I have still been making quite a few over the past few months (years?) but I unfortunately haven not been able to get them photographed.

In the meantime, please enjoy a bit of a sneak peek. This is an assemblage of various Marvel Legends figures I collected, taking cues from the cover of Marvel Superheroes Secret Wars #1. Most of these are store-bought figures, but the Rogue, Magneto, Captain Marvel, Storm, Cyclops, and Human Torch are all customs (and, Captain America actually has a customized head as well).

Hopefully I will be posting more photos of these and all the other customs soon. I am excited for you to see the new creations.

I hope you are all doing well. Thank you!

aka Iron-Cow
February 3, 2018

Don’t forget to follow the Artwork of Matt Cauley so that you receive the latest news and events, as well as behind-the-scenes painting progress. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Saatchi, LinkedIn, Behance, or Twitter.

Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi

Hello everyone!

While going through my storage unit recently, I discovered a box of Lucasfilm-related artifacts from my childhood. Most of the contents revolved around the Star Wars fan club: stickers, patches, newsletters, but among all those goodies was this little gem. The handwritten script to THE LAST JEDI.

Or, rather… “Star Wars Episode VII: The Last (of) the Jedi.”

From what I remember, this dates back to either the summer or fall of 1983, when I decided to embark on a journey writing a sequel to Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. The story was to pick up shortly after the climactic battle of Endor, with the Empire in disarray and Luke, Han, Leia, Lando and Chewie mopping up the Imperial forces.

BUT… little did they know the evil DARTH LUGAR was waiting to pick up where the Emperor left off!

Last night I had a chance to re-read the story for the first time since I had written it, and… well, it’s a mess. I’m not even sure where I was going with it. For as meticulous and ground-breaking as I hoped the story was, there are all sorts of characters I brought back from the dead, and weird plot points that don’t even make any sense. Still, I got 26 pages into it, and it’s interesting to see some of the parallels with the current film series (a Death Star hidden inside a moon? The “Last of the Jedi” title, etc).

The script ends rather abruptly, so I’m not sure if I went outside to play, ran out of ideas, or just got otherwise distracted.

I can’t say there’s really all the much in original material here, but hey… I was 10 years old with dreams of grandeur. It’s kind of fun seeing how I was trying to channel some of the different characters’ personalities, and where I would pull in random elements from the comics and other sources, and with the new movie about to open, my Star Wars nostalgia is at an all-time high.

All that said, keep an open mind with all of this, and hopefully it’ll appeal to the 10-year old dreamer in us all.

And if you’d prefer to read this in a PDF format, the entire story is available here:

Sit back and enjoy. And thank you for letting me share this with you!

aka Iron-Cow
December 11, 2017

Don’t forget to follow the Artwork of Matt Cauley so that you receive the latest news and events, as well as behind-the-scenes painting progress. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Saatchi, LinkedIn, Behance, or Twitter.