Transformers Autobot HOUND collection - Matt Iron-Cow Cauley

Hello, everyone!

I FINALLY got around to photographing my HOUND collection. I can’t quite explain it, but ever since I was a child, I had a soft spot for this particular Transformer.

Near as I can tell, this is *EVERY* Hound figure released so far (aside from the G1, which is represented here by the later re-issue). The jeep on the far left is a custom I made using a M.A.S.H. jeep, the tan G1 Hound is technically a Decepticon, but I’m pretending he’s “Hound in Desert Camo”, and the smaller Jeep towards the right is another custom.

This image is about to be out of date with the movie and other toys coming up, but I’m having fun knowing (for now) my Hound collection is complete.

Click on either the image above or HERE to view a super high-res version of the image.

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As always, would be grateful for any feedback you might have!

Matt Cauley
aka Iron-Cow
January 2, 2014.


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