Is it easy being indestructible? Rex Ganon has the entire nation of Ameriko buying merchandise and cheering his name. A screenplay is in the works and it seems no enemy nor adventure can best him. Not to mention he gets to go to all the hot parties and movie premieres. So of course he’s secretly miserable. What’s worse is that now he’s a freakin’ Minimate, and he never signed off on it for approval.
Well, okay, maybe he did, after the fact, and after a lot of negotiations.
Either way, Iron-Cow Prod. is please to announce the first in hopefully a series of Rex Ganon Minimates. Is he truly indestructible? You’ll have to find out for yourself. At your own risk, of course!
Rex, for the most part, is a straight repaint of the traditional Minimate body. The hair was sculpted with MagicSculpt while the gun holster was made from clear vinyl. Any and all inspirations from Steve McQueen are purely coincidental.
Created Fall 2003