Although I’m not the world’s biggest fan of the traditional Penguin, he’s a classic Bat-villain, and as such I knew I just had to have a figure of him.
The Penguin custom uses an older McFarlane Sam figure from the original Sam & Twitch two-pack. The figure obviously needed a lot of reworking, primarily in the pants. The arms were probably from a Dr. Evil figure, though honestly I really don’t know. They were left over from an abandoned Doctor Who custom figure. The head itself is mostly an original sculpt at this point. It started off as a really old Goldust Wrestling figure, but it went through a lot of sanding and retooling. The top hat comes from a Buff Bagwell wrestling figure while the umbrella is completely an original sculpt.
Of course, I realized as I’m typing this that I forgot to give him his cigarette holder. Oh well. Don’t smoke, kids! It’s bad for ya!
Created Summer 2002