First off, let me say that this custom Mr. Freeze is monstrous. He’s easily 9″ tall. Technically he’s ridiculously out of scale for DC Direct, but in all he was never meant for that line. Rather, this Freeze was intended for the Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight line, where all the villains were rather oversized and nightmarish in their interpretations.
Keeping in mind that the villains were taller, I opted to use a McFarlane Creech figure for the base. After removing the Creech’s dreadlocks I extended the legs by about three inches. This gave him the extra height needed to make the body feel more proportionate to itself. I did get a little lazy, though. If you look closely at Freeze’s chest, you can see the original figure’s head. I was hoping no one would notice, but apparently it’s all too obvious. Incidentally, the dome came from some weird lollipop I found at K-B Toys. All it required was a little trying to fit the figure a little better.
Anyway, I’m pretty proud of this custom. It’s loosely based on the Kelley Jones’ redesign of Mr. Freeze from a few years back. I’ve always really enjoyed his interpretation of the character.
Created Summer 2002