Magma – wow. What a design, right? Seeing her animated character design convinced me to start customizing X-Men Evolution figures.
Magma primarily uses a ToyBiz X-Men Classics Jean Grey figure as a base. Her arms were sliced apart and repositioned and her chest was sanded down to better match the style of the other X-Men Evolution characters. I forget where the hands came from, but I think they may have come from an X-Evo Storm. I’ll have to double-check. The feet came from a Princess Fiona figure, which also helped make Magma just a hair taller. Now she fits in fine scale-wise.
The head was a fun challenge. For the most part, that’s actually a McFarlane Lotus Warrior head underneath all of that. I then took some sculpted flame from a Jim Lee WILDCats bad guy. The hair that drapes down is from an X-Evo Sabretooth, which was surprisingly difficult to prime.
Still, once it all came together, it made for a great custom. Kneadatite was used to smooth any seams, and some details were added using a black ink pen. Adding a coat of DullCote spray at the end helped blend the various lusters together.
Created Summer 2003