Rounding out the original Brotherhood, Avalanche had been proposed for the fourth wave of X-Men Evolution figures, but never made it to the sculpting stage.
To make my custom Avalanche, I began buy reworking a DC Direct Impulse figure. His body was lean and stylized enough to fit in stylistically with that of X-Men Evolution. I removed Impulse’s feet and replaced them with boots from an X-Men Evolution Logan figure. The shoulder pads were reworked from an X-Evo Magneto and superglued in place. Clear vinyl is used for the remainder of the surface details.
For the head, I used a head from an X-Men Evolution Spyke. I sanded down his hair and used elements from a Nightcrawler figure to rebuild it. A clear test tube was trimmed down to form Avalanche’s helmet.
All in all, I’m extremely pleased with my Avalanche figure. He took awhile to make, but I feel he’s one of my nicer pieces.
Created Summer 2004