Okay… You guessed it: What to do with spare parts, right? Basically I had a set of DC Direct Hal Jordon figures lying about. Rather than leave the figures unused in the parts drawer, I decided that I should bolster the ranks of the Green Lantern shelf. It may have been easier to use the Tomar Re base (since Tomar has the proper costume painted already), but I didn’t like the open left hand on the figure. Besides, the extra Hal Jordon figure was going unused, so it was best just to repainted his shoulders.
Abin Sur’s head is a modified Jay Garrick Flash. I didn’t really remove any of Jay’s hair. Instead I dipped the head in Alumilite. This clung to the hair, giving it the affect of a slightly larger, smooth cranium.
Hey, it’s not the best piece I’ve ever made, but the parts were there, so why not, right? Besides, when time is of the essence, it’s nice to have a simple but effective repaint custom.
Created Summer 2002
Featured in Lee’s Action Figure and Toy Review, Issue #125